AromaTouch Massage

by Gudrun Graf (comments: 0)

A Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils

Happy Oiling
please click to see all the used essential oilsl!


I. Stress-Reducing-Oils:


Balance is a composition of oils that are known to bring relaxation to our feelings. Especially when we are feeling lonliness or anxiety, this blend has a calming effect. Emotionally and physicially over the central nervous system it is harmonizing, promotes tranquility and a sense of balance. (Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense)


Lavender is used since generations for its calming and sedative effect on the emotional and physical level.

II. Immune Enhancement Oils:

Melalueuca (Tee Tree)

has potent antifungal, antibacterial and anto-inflammatory properties. On the emotional level it helps to come back to good mood and ease fear.


this composition of oils have been studied for their strong abilities against harmful bacteria and viruses. It strenghtens the immune system against pathogens. (Wilde Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, Rosemary)

III. Inflammatory Response-Reducing Oils:


relieves from chronic as form acute pain. This blend of oils have been selected to help to relax, calm and relieve tensions of muscles, soothe irritated tissue and increase circulation. (Basil, Grapefruit, Cypress, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint)


helpfull for its abilities to soothe inflammation, alleviate pain, and reduce sorness. Reliefes pain in joints with chronic infammation. (Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Heliyhtysum, Osmanthus)

IV. Autonomic Balancing Oils:


This oil is recognized for its healing and relaxing effect on the entire body! 

Wild Orange

Citrus oils have the remarkable ability to prodect the whole body system. Wild Orange reduces feelings of stress and anxiety, the aroma is revitalizing and uplifting.


The Essential Oils of dōTERRA® CPTG are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade!


P.S. The Essential Oils complement perfectly with Chi Nei Tsang!

German Version

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Read what others say about my work. Read my testimonialsGudrun G. Graf

Gudrun is a certified Qi Gong teacher and naturopathy therapist living and working in Vienna and Salzburg, Austria. Apart from Tao and Chi Nei Tsang, she has specialized in Family Constellations.

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